Kimbra vows review
Kimbra vows review

kimbra vows review

As a 21 year-old who has written, arranged and produced her debut, Warner Bros. It will remind the cynic how good pop music can be, and in a strange twist, it might introduce the conservative listener to the world of her weird sisters. But there’s plenty for both the pop fan and those who prefer the off-kilter. On ‘Cameo Lover’ and ‘Old Flame’, especially, Kimbra threatens to dissolve into a sugary girl-group of one these tracks emphasise that she is at her best when at her most idiosyncratic, when she strays from the formula. Vows is an excellent debut, but Kimbra’s influences have worn little holes in her sleeve, and there are too many lulls to call this album an unqualified success.

kimbra vows review

‘The Build Up’ is Björkesque, but the dark jazz of the hidden track further underlines the fact that Kimbra could take her music in any direction she wishes. ‘Wandering Limbs’ is a late highlight: this wonderful duet with Sam Lawrence again displays Kimbra’s ability to dovetail and embrace another voice. ‘Two Way Street’ is a more traditionally beautiful future single while ‘Good Intent’ is more reminiscent of ‘Settle Down’ and bears the grubby fingerprints of Gotye with its plunky percussion and thrumming bass. ‘Settle Down’ opens the album and reminds you how perfect it is. During the album, she drops the power and pace of her delivery as she shifts from smoky cabaret to lollipop to soul diva and Goth spook. Kimbra has a fantastic voice, a liquid voice that assumes the shape of every song. But the voice, the unruly one in the back row, won’t pay attention she drifts off into swirling daydreams. They are all present: doe-eyed and sitting up straight at their desks. A cynic might line Vows up and sound the roll-call: love won, love lost, layered melodies, handclaps, strings, the restlessly gesticulating voice. All of the above have either released or are due to release an album this year: competition is fierce in Pixieland. Vincent, Lykke Li, our own Bachelorette, Florence and the Machine, Ane Brun, Bat for Lashes, and the Queen herself, Björk. With Vows, Kimbra attempts to break into an ever-widening circle of eccentric pop pixies: Janelle Monae, Tune-Yards, St. Both songs have star quality: you stop what you are doing, listen and then scramble to hear them again … immediately. Cue the shame-faced Kiwi whose first thought was that something this good could only originate overseas … The second occurred when I saw her duet, ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’, with Australian magpie, Gotye. First, I watched - mesmerised - the video to ‘Settle Down’ on Juice TV, immediately Googled her and discovered that Kimbra Johnson was not from London, Stockholm or New York but … Hamilton.

kimbra vows review

In the past year, Kimbra has been involved in two perfect pop moments.

Kimbra vows review